From the Record Shelves #323 - The Sidewalks of New YorkFrom the Record Shelves #323 – The Sidewalks of New York – There is much music from Raymond Burke on the CD, and I love that, but there are also a couple of numbers from a for me less known clarinet player. Irvine “Pinky” Vidacovich can be heard on the classic recordings of New Orleans Owls (…) read more and listenread more and listen

From the Record Shelves #183 - My Old Kentucky HomeFrom the Record Shelves #183 – My Old Kentucky Home – I will not call this recording great, and I don’t think that it was intended to be either. It’s just entertainment for the moment, music to put you in a good mood (and as such it is great!) by some of the guys (…) read more and listenread more and listen