From the Record Shelves #265


LP Jazz Bird JAZ-2018

There are no details of personnel or recording dates on this LP, probably because they feared that they might be infringing the copyright laws. Of course, I know something more about those recordings from about 1940–45, and if I want further details, I have sources where I can look them up. But suppose I didn’t. What do I have? I have the music, the two names, and an essay on the sleeve by Irving Townsend, which is quite good. It puts them into their historical context and tells us some things about the New Orleans clarinet style and the blues. It seems to be aimed at those who normally listen to other kinds of music.

Interesting is that when I listen to the first side, I hear a Jimmie Noone (spelled Jimmy on the LP) who has already said it all, while after turning the record, I hear from the first notes of Bunk Johnson, a man who is far from finished telling his message. I think that you’ll never hear Bunk in better shape and more inspired than on those (V-disc) recordings.

The company is also good, with Wade Whaley on clarinet and Floyd O’Brien on trombone.
