Shivery Stomp (Seger Ellis)
78 rpm Odeon A 286012a

Now I have managed to dig out the original piano version of this tune by Seger Ellis from my disorganized 78 rpm collection.
Seger Ellis was a talented pianist and composer from Houston, Texas who somehow was persuaded to sing in the style of the popular Gene Austin and became much employed at this. “They used to call me at the hotel and wake me up” he says. “I didn’t know what the hell the tune was all about, but I’d go and try.” He also says: “As far as vocal choruses are concerned, the guy that could sing anything was Irving Kaufman; he’d do two or three a day, just read them off. Bing Crosby came along a little later, and he was THE best.”
I once wrote to Seger Ellis and got a nice answer saying that he was glad to learn about my interest and very proud to have recorded with Bix.
According to himself, his Sentimental Blues and Prairie Blues were the first piano solos to be recorded with the new electric method in 1925. He made new versions of them in 1930, when also Shivery Stomp was recorded.