From the Record Shelves #256

Let’s Misbehave

LP RCA Vintage Series LPM-523

This was the first of the “year” records that came out in the Vintage Series. I think that the year was 1967, at least that was the year I bought my copy. For me, it was an introduction to several fine dance orchestras.

I listened so much to this that I learned all the lyrics, which is why I still can remember all the words of Bill, Jeannine, I Dream of Lilac Times, and even C-O-N-S-T-A-N-T-I-N-O-P-L-E. Still, I have never used any of the songs in a concert. There are vocals on almost all 16 tunes, and often, as on the present one, by a trio or quartet. According to the liner notes, it was George Olsen who started this with Who, which became a big hit in 1925.

But now we hear Irving Aaronson and his Commanders, another fine orchestra with humor and a lot of energy.

Artie Shaw played with them for a period and did not like their showmanship, but that’s another story. Listening to them almost 100 years later is sheer joy. It’s no big surprise to find out that the composer of the tune was Cole Porter.
