Tag: Santa Claus Blues
From the Record Shelves #116 – Santa Claus Blues. Christmas is not fun if you’re alone and cannot participate in the warm embrace of your family and friends. Luckily it never has happened to me but here’s a reminder that it’s the situation for some (…) read more and listenread more and listen
Kiki remarked that the song is sad, but I said “so what?”. I’ve always liked sad songs even when I’m not feeling that way. First of all they remind us of the fact that not everybody is happy. Then it can make you remember times when (…) read more and view videoread more and view video
SANTA CLAUS BLUES – Som väntat handlar dagens program om att öka på julstämningen. Det finns gott om jazzinspelningar som anknyter till Tomten, snö, “jingle bells” och andra högaktuella företeelser (…) lyssna på radioprogramlyssna på Radio Swingtime 82
Scaniazz in Gothenburg 3. The tunes performed are: Shine, Travelling Blues, Log Cabin Blues, Santa Claus Blues, Mr. Jelly Lord, Little Willie Blues and Canal Street Blues (…) view live recordingScaniazz in Gothenburg 3