From the Record Shelves #323 - The Sidewalks of New YorkFrom the Record Shelves #323 – The Sidewalks of New York – There is much music from Raymond Burke on the CD, and I love that, but there are also a couple of numbers from a for me less known clarinet player. Irvine “Pinky” Vidacovich can be heard on the classic recordings of New Orleans Owls (…) read more and listenread more and listen

From the Record Shelves #61 - Stomp Off, Let's GoFrom the Record Shelves #61 – Stomp Off, Let’s Go. When we started a new band playing jazz and hot dance music in the beginning of the 1980s I wanted to keep it small in order to get reasonably paid gigs. And the first recordings of The New Orleans Owls are a good model of what you can achieve with (…) read more and listenread more and listen