Tag: Lonnie Johnson
From the Record Shelves #184 – Stompin’ ’em Along Slow – This LP was a shock to me. I had heard Eddie Lang before and liked him a lot, but when I heard Lonnie Johnson’s solo recordings sounding like a one-man band I could hardly believe my ears (…) read more and listenread more and listen
From the Record Shelves #128 – Tell Me Woman Blues. This rare LP contains a lot of good jazz and blues, mostly with female singers with cornet or trumpet accompaniment. The best of them could have a job in a cabaret or tent show but also in bars and cafés (…) read more and listenread more and listen
From the Record Shelves #91 – Move Over . When I saw this record in the shop, a department store, some day back in 1966 the price was over my budget. But I just had to have it, so I swapped etiquettes with a cheaper one. It was the only time, and I’m a bit shamed, but (…) read more and listenread more and listen
From the Record Shelves #35 – Midnight Call Blues. Eddie Lang became one of the most lamented heroes in jazz history when he never woke up after a routine tonsillectomy in 1933. But before that he had made a great impact as a true pioneer of guitar playing which gave the instrument a new role (…) read more and listenread more and listen
En artikel av Timme Rosenkrantz, om veteranen Lonnie Johnson (…) läs artikelnveteranen Lonnie Johnson