From the Record Shelves #247 - Troubled WatersFrom the Record Shelves #247 – Troubled Waters – When this LP just came out in the middle of the 1960s, I borrowed it from a friend and recorded it on reel-to-reel tape. Now I have a well-kept copy that used to belong to the American Library at Stockholm University (…) read more and listenread more and listen

From the Record Shelves #156 - A Lonely Co-EdFrom the Record Shelves #156 – A Lonely Co-Ed – The title number of the LP that starts and finishes the record in two different takes is of course impressive and tempting to chose, with its pyrotechnics with trumpets and trombones that make you think about (…) read more and listenread more and listen

From the Record Shelves #131 - Your Love Has FadedFrom the Record Shelves #131 – Your Love Has Faded. To some extent Ivie Anderson could compete with Billie Holiday as a singer of sad songs. Especially around 1940. I love her warm voice and sensitive singing on tunes like this. (…) read more and listenread more and listen