Tag: Candlelights
From the Record Shelves #321 – I’m Coming Virginia – Johnny Hyman, better known as Johnny Wiggs (1899–1977), started to play cornet at an early age and became professional playing in different bands in his hometown New Orleans after 1925. He chose, however to become a teacher of other things (…) read more and listenread more and listen
From the Record Shelves #133 – Candlelights. I have listened many times to this record with, and it’s special. I probably found it at a sale for a low price. The music is recorded in 1953 and the album was originally called Syncopated Chamber Music (…) read more and listenread more and listen
CANDLELIGHTS – Radio Swingtime 37, 29 december 2000. Tomten har varit på besök och lämnat efter sig en del platta, välklingande klappar. Bland de mest lyckade julgåvorna genom åren finns skivor med (…) lyssna på radioprogramlyssna på Radio Swingtime 37