Tag: Blind Blake
From the Record Shelves #203 – Black Dog Blues – Among the good music on this CD there is the ragtime guitar master Blind Blake who is in a class by himself. Further on the disc, there is this track that made me think of early Bob Dylan. I don’t think that he would (…) read more and listenread more and listen
From the Record Shelves #69 – Ash Tray Blues. Papa Charlie Jackson (November 10, 1887 – May 7, 1938) has always been a favorite of mine. His strong voice, his swing, his control over his instrument the six-string banjo, his wit, the intelligent lyrics and (…) read more and listenread more and listen
From the Record Shelves #33 – Blind Arthur’s Breakdown. The mysterious Blind Blake had a recording career with Paramount Records for six years between 1926 and 1932. “Mysterious” because nothing is known about the dates and places of his birth and death (…) read more and listenread more and listen