From the Record Shelves #234 - MelancholyFrom the Record Shelves #234 – Melancholy – There’s a special atmosphere in this fine recording featuring Johnny Dodds and Louis Armstrong. This is April 1927, and the couple plus drummer Baby Dodds recorded the tune again only a few weeks later (…) read more and listenread more and listen

From the Record Shelves #131 - Your Love Has FadedFrom the Record Shelves #131 – Your Love Has Faded. To some extent Ivie Anderson could compete with Billie Holiday as a singer of sad songs. Especially around 1940. I love her warm voice and sensitive singing on tunes like this. (…) read more and listenread more and listen

From the Record Shelves #91 - Move Over From the Record Shelves #91 – Move Over . When I saw this record in the shop, a department store, some day back in 1966 the price was over my budget. But I just had to have it, so I swapped etiquettes with a cheaper one. It was the only time, and I’m a bit shamed, but (…) read more and listenread more and listen

From the Record Shelves #76 - High SocietyFrom the Record Shelves #76 – High Society. The sessions on this LP belong to the classical ones and have been released many times on different media and labels. They are transcriptions from radio programs in 1944, and I have chosen the first (…) read more and listenread more and listen