From the Studio #72


I rather quickly sketched an arrangement on this lovely tune with just verse and chorus and a cornet solo. For once, I dusted off my saxophones.

Maybe I will sing it another time because the lyrics are quite nice:

All week long the world,
Seems, oh, so blue,
'Cause I'm away from you,
Miss you, too,
Ev'rything goes wrong,
And there's nobody to cheer me,
When you're not near me.

I'm blue ev'ry Monday,
Thinking over Sunday,
That one day when I'm with you.
It seems that I sigh all day Tuesday
I cry all day Wednesday,
Oh, my! how I long for you;
And then comes Thursday,
Gee! it's long, it never goes by.
Friday makes me feel like I'm gonna die,
But after Payday, that's my fun day,
I shine all day Sunday
That one day when I'm with you.
